Одним проклятым вопросом стало меньше! Я больше могу не ломать голову над тем, какой подарок в кризисное время можно считать лучшим. Добрые люди на него уже ответили в метро.
One beer, Arek? One??? Are you AA member or what? You know as well as me that even in coma this brewery doesn't stop brewing. By the way, some genius has already created BEST GIFT FOR ETERNAL TIMES (including time of crisises, naturally). Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you a magnificent rocking toilet.
Yeah, you cited "Allo, allo" quite often in France. And I told you that I don't believe that we'll see this series on our TV. Guess what? Only 10 years have passed and we are enjoying it! I like to watch it occasionally on НСТ (Настоящее смешное Телевидение) channel.
I see. Well, there is always internet. BTW, I was thinking recently - there are some magazines in PL., like Polityka, Newsweek or Angora, who have some correspondents in UA. Do you think you could do such thing? I was thinking about Angora (after reading last correspondendce from UA)
Just now took a look on "Jak Polacy widzą Europę". Ni-i-i-ice. :) Below is Russian point of view on the rest of the world: http://nano.feelovblog.ru/photo/1280/335840360/1/tumblr_kwalbu1v2t1qza7r2
Perhaps you'll need also this link: http://lurkmore.ru/%D0%92%D1%81%D0%B5_%D0%BF%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%8B,_%D0%B0_%D1%8F_%E2%80%94_%D0%B4%E2%80%99%D0%90%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%8C%D1%8F%D0%BD
Apropos Angora, Arek. It depends on what they need. Politics, to be honest, is not my cup of tea. And please remember that my Polish is... m-m-m... far from fluent. :) P.S. I've recalled that I visited France after 2000. Have stayed for a couple of days in Paris on February 2005 on my way to Marocco.
Tima, 1. the joke was very good :-) 2. about Angora - as I know the magazine, they would be more interested in other stuff than politics. On the other hand, Polish would really be an issue. At least at the moment. Angora is not a first league. I think you should have a look at their web page - they have on-line version in pdf.
First league in PL are: Polityka www.polityka.pl Newsweek http://www.newsweek.pl/ Wprost http://www.wprost.pl/ Przekrój http://przekroj.pl/ Przegląd http://www.przeglad-tygodnik.pl/ probably one of the above, including Angora, would be interested in cooperation with you, even if they had to pay for translation. Especially when they see what you did and do in the area
Well, at the end it is up to you anyway :-) that was just an idea
tn? в том же метро есть реклама подарка покруче: "мобильный компактный туалет, лучший подарок для начальников, родственников и близких людей".
Компактные туалеты снова станут лучшим подарком после выхода из кризиса. А пока что - кресло-качалка.
yeap, in fact it is a very good idea. There is one in Iwonka's parents house, I need to visit them more often :-)
You're a big boy, Arek. You can afford your own.
Tima, first, you don't have to buy a berwery to drink one beer ;-P
secondly, I have a small flat and no place for this stuff.
One beer, Arek? One??? Are you AA member or what? You know as well as me that even in coma this brewery doesn't stop brewing. By the way, some genius has already created BEST GIFT FOR ETERNAL TIMES (including time of crisises, naturally). Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you a magnificent rocking toilet.
damn, it was just for contrast you stupid woman*! ;-)
And the rocking toilet seat is great :-)
*hope you have seen "Allo Allo", the British TV series? Rene and his bistro in occupied France?
BTW, check this out:
and this one - Hitler finds out, that Jadlodajnia Filozoficzna ( night club) is closed. There is a series, about hitler finds out ;-)
Yeah, you cited "Allo, allo" quite often in France. And I told you that I don't believe that we'll see this series on our TV. Guess what? Only 10 years have passed and we are enjoying it! I like to watch it occasionally on НСТ (Настоящее смешное Телевидение) channel.
See? Again: yes you can :-))
BTW, have you been to France since 2000?
No, I haven't.
And no we cannot. It's Russian channel.
I see. Well, there is always internet.
BTW, I was thinking recently - there are some magazines in PL., like Polityka, Newsweek or Angora, who have some correspondents in UA. Do you think you could do such thing? I was thinking about Angora (after reading last correspondendce from UA)
Just now took a look on "Jak Polacy widzą Europę". Ni-i-i-ice. :) Below is Russian point of view on the rest of the world: http://nano.feelovblog.ru/photo/1280/335840360/1/tumblr_kwalbu1v2t1qza7r2
Perhaps you'll need also this link: http://lurkmore.ru/%D0%92%D1%81%D0%B5_%D0%BF%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%8B,_%D0%B0_%D1%8F_%E2%80%94_%D0%B4%E2%80%99%D0%90%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%8C%D1%8F%D0%BD
Apropos Angora, Arek. It depends on what they need. Politics, to be honest, is not my cup of tea. And please remember that my Polish is... m-m-m... far from fluent. :)
P.S. I've recalled that I visited France after 2000. Have stayed for a couple of days in Paris on February 2005 on my way to Marocco.
1. the joke was very good :-)
2. about Angora - as I know the magazine, they would be more interested in other stuff than politics. On the other hand, Polish would really be an issue. At least at the moment.
Angora is not a first league. I think you should have a look at their web page - they have on-line version in pdf.
First league in PL are:
Polityka www.polityka.pl
Newsweek http://www.newsweek.pl/
Wprost http://www.wprost.pl/
Przekrój http://przekroj.pl/
Przegląd http://www.przeglad-tygodnik.pl/
probably one of the above, including Angora, would be interested in cooperation with you, even if they had to pay for translation. Especially when they see what you did and do in the area
Well, at the end it is up to you anyway :-) that was just an idea
PS here how people in Europe see each other:
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