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Anonymous said...

soylent kurwa green ;-)

Guess Who ;-)

Dorofey said...

Like this movie :)

Anonymous said...

So do I, Charlton Heston's best imho. I hated him playing that Ben Huj.

Dorofey said...

You don't like Jews, I presume? ;)

Anonymous said...

Is there anybody who likes them? ;-)

Seriously: Ben Hur was rather about christianity. And as for me, I hate when somebody is trying to sell me religion. Im am allergic for any kind of propaganda.

Anonymous said...

About the jews:

A man looking like Hitler was standing and looking at an Israeli dancer. Who konws, what was his intentions and why he looked like Hitler.

Dorofey said...

I have nothing against talanted propaganda but Ben Hur is just toooooo loooong.