Таки числительные в кино (уж не говорю про телесериалы) наступают плотным фронтом.
Второй Iron Man, третий Iron Man... Четвертые пираты Карибского моря, пятый терминатор и человек-паук... Опять двадцать пять.
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I like "The man who stared at goats" best. And the "Chimpanzee" looks promising too - reminds me Homer Simpson acting in the "Planet of the Apes" musical.
"I hate every ape I see
from chim-pan-A to chim-pan-zee"
BTW any news about The Simpsons The Movie 2? ;-)
Podpisano - Darkly Dreaming Arek
Wait till you see "The man who stared at goats-2", Arek! And by the way, since you like presence of animals in film title, check this one.
Tima, you zoofilofob ;-)
Here, some people are fighting for more laws for homosexuals. I do not understand, why they don't fight for other sexual minorities rights. What about pedofils, nekrofils, rapers, canibals and stamp collectors? I think that these gey&lesbian support guys are sick, if they cannon accept differences. Don't you think they are sick or what? ;->
Podpisano - Darkly Dreamin' Arek
Yeh, I'm zoofilofob to some extent:
http://trava.kiev.ua/archives/3756. Me personally have nothing against those homosexuals who just live their own life without shouting "Yeh! Yeh! I'm homosexual! Give me my rights, give me my quota in the Seim! I want my 'Just married' moment!" Fuck PETA, fuck gay-activists and antiglobalists. And for the rest - let it be.
exactly, my friend
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